slate roof ventilation requirements

Slate roofs are among the most appealing and common of all historic roofing types. Known for their handsome looks and durability, they give any property an aesthetic lift. If you want this option for your house, remember that you need to vent a slate roof just like every other type of roof.

Why Is Roofing Ventilation Important?

All roofs need to breathe properly. Otherwise, they lock in humid air. This occurrence is not desirable, as it can lead to damage and mold.

Precisely placed roof vents allow air to circulate year round into the attic space. When it's warm outside, the ventilation keeps moisture from gathering and condensing along the inside of the attic. Even when the temperature plummets and the air may not be as humid, it's still important to ensure the space stays as dry as possible.

How Many Vents Does a Slate Roof Need?

It would be wonderful if you could look at one roof ventilation guide that applied to every slate roof. However, these roofs come in all shapes and sizes, particularly those that have been installed on historic or creatively designed properties. As a result, the number of vents you'll need will depend on several factors.

Some of the elements we consider when evaluating slate roofs for vents include:


  • The overall square footage of the roof.

  • The roof's pitch.

  • The placement of existing vents and if they are working, out of order or damaged.

After gathering this information, we can determine how many vents are necessary to give your home or commercial building the correct amount of attic area ventilation.


Should I Keep Adding More Vents to a Slate Roof?

When roofing, more vents will not give you better results. This strategy will only expose your roof to a greater amount of moisture. When you work with slate roofing experts like our team at Huber & Associates, we can help you with your vents.

We have the expertise to develop a plan for your slate roof that will give you the ideal amount of ventilation. That way, you can be sure your roof performs its duties year round.

Set up an Appointment for Slate Roof Vent Placement

Whether or not your municipality requires you to have roof ventilation to meet building regulations, we invite you to contact us today. We would be happy to arrange a time to inspect your slate roof and make suggestions for additional vents.


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